
This is me wearing a Mexican Hat, just outside Mexican Hat, UT. Made famous by its Mexican Hat rock formation.


To the Moon

I think they're a little over-ambitious. Posted by Picasa

Close up

This is a close-up of our rubble filled trench foundation. Posted by Picasa


This is last year's Design Build Bluff project. Posted by Picasa


Some natural desert design. Posted by Picasa
I'm a little behind on daily updates, so you'll get a few today. This is the remains of an old Ford Custom near our site in the desert. Posted by Picasa


This is our friend Yoda. It's a theodolite used to find and measure changes in elevation. It's a pretty fantastic instrument. Posted by Picasa


I found this very, very interesting. This is Wal-Mart's idea of a "Protected Environmental Area". Hmmm, this pile of garbage, and sludge is a twisted idea of protecting the environment. Also of interest is... http://www.opensecrets.org/industries/contrib.asp?Ind=N and http://www.counterbias.com/105.html
And one more bit of politics then I'm done, http://www.usatoday.com/money/industries/retail/2004-02-02-walmart_x.htm