The colors in the mountains are pretty bad right now.
Tristan (T1T2)
This one says it all -- and thanks to Judy Peer of Rochester, New York -- who found this monument to greed and chauvenism on Winton Road there. The tattooed eagle stradles a lumpish, deflated earth (perhaps punctured by its talons) before the ranks of Humvees waiting for buyers who can take advantage of the special corporate tax break for vehicles over 6000 pounds (nice work Karl Rove!). Notice, the setting is one of those innumerable places not worth caring about which someday will add up to a nation not worth defending.
Copyright © 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003 James Howard Kunstler
The Peter B. Lewis Building for Case Western Reserve University's Weatherhead School of Management. Architect: Frank Gehry. If your dog had a tumor like this the vets would just shake their heads and put him to sleep. The design follows the logic of cancer: invade and overwhelm the host organism. It's appropriate that this building houses the business school, because it aptly expresses the disfigurement of American economic practice in our time: banality meets pathology in a tragic duet.
Copyright © 1999 -- 2005 James Howard Kunstler